HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 3 (2023)

The Influence of Korean Wave Among the Social Studies Students of UM Tagum College: A Qualitative Inquiry

Russel Aporbo | Darlene Catingan | Angelica Logronio | Jessica Shara Quezada

Discipline: Education



This study tackled the influence of the Korean wave on the lives and cultural identities of UM Tagum College social studies students. The qualitative method was used in this study and participants were chosen via purposive sampling. Participants ranging in age from 19 to 32 years old were chosen for in-depth interviews and focusgroup discussions. The results revealed that participants learn Korean culture by watching television, navigating various media, visiting Korean restaurants, listening to K-pop, and watching K-drama. The participants also discussed how the Korean wave has affected their lives as UM Tagum College Social Studies students. Participants stated how they began to imitate Korean clothes and behaviors, how they began to pull other people towards Korean culture, and how they confessed to having a broader knowledge of Korean culture and personally experiencing assimilation of Korean culture in school. The participants discussed how the Korean wave has influenced their perception regarding their identity as Filipinos; they revealed how eager they are to learn Korean and adopt Korean values. However, participants also expressed concerns about the tendency for transculturation and even compared the Filipino Film Industry to Koreans. Several participants stressed the cultural distinctions between Filipino and Korean cultures, and that both cultures were unique. In conclusion, there is no harm in admiring other cultures as long they understand one's limitations and priorities and continues to study, patronize, and love one's own culture first and foremost among others.


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