HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 8 (2023)

Success Stories of Distinguished Teachers of Capiz

Ronie Jim Henson

Discipline: Education



This research study described the success stories of distinguished teachers of Capiz. There were seven (7) distinguished teachers. Out of seven (7) three (3) of them came from the Division of Roxas City and four (4) of them came from the Division of Capiz. The researcher utilized an inclusion and exclusion criteria in identifying the participants. The researcher used phenomenological qualitative research design and in-depth interview as research instrument. The researcher conducted face to face data gathering after which the responses were transcribed, thematized, coded and analysed thru thematic analysis as data procedure and followed certain flowchart. Lived experiences of the distinguished teachers in terms of teaching experiences was more on the teaching-learning environment. In terms of inspiration were focused on career satisfaction, teacher characteristics and teaching profession. The distinguished teachers were challenged by teaching in general. However they had coping mechanisms in dealing those challenges. They conducted innovations through the development of programs, projects and activities. Research were focused on the academic performances of pupils, stakeholders’ participation in teaching and learning process and managerial skills. Community involvement centered on community integration that formed connections with the community that building rapport with the stakeholders. The distinguished teachers provided technical assistance and formulated plans that supported their colleagues’ professional development programs. Embodied positive teaching practices and teaching effectiveness indicator that compass learners towards brighter future.


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