HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 8 (2023)

Unravelling the Challenges and Resiliency of Student Moms Amidst Full Implementation of Face-To-face Class

Honey Calumag | Milagros Aurea Sabidalas | Melvan Calumag | Donna Fe Baylon | Judith Pagulayan | Maery Angel Rio

Discipline: Education



This qualitative research draws on the personal narrative experiences of three single student mothers studying in the Senior- High of the Division City of Kabankalan. Semi-structured interviews and survey questionnaires were conducted to collect data. The data was analyzed thematically. Participants were identified using purposive sampling and guided by the following criteria: (1) Currently enrolled in the school year 2021-2022, (2) a senior high school student, (3) a student mother, (4) willing to be interviewed, and (5) willing to share their challenges and experiences of becoming resilient student mothers. Results show that the main common challenge and resilience among the participating student mothers is the lack of time to manage the dual role of being a student as well as a nursing mother. This leads to shyness, restlessness, absenteeism, failing some examinations, and failing to join social groupings. Despite these, their children play a crucial role in motivating them and empowering them to persevere and pursue their education for the betterment of their children's future, as well as to regain the respect of their parents. Furthermore, having a support group on campus for student mothers reduces their feelings of isolation and provides a space where they can express their fears and concerns about their experiences both on and off campus. The researchers admire the student-moms for their ability to maintain persistence as students and be good mothers, while fully embracing and experiencing all aspects of their lives.


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