HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 8 (2023)

Graphic Violence on Social Media and Its Impact on Young Adults

Hillery Barrios | Michelle Calma | Cherry Mae Reyes | Nichole Audrey Galvez | Arlyn Azur | Maria Angelu Reyes | Marwin Boado | Bea Teresa S. Sengco

Discipline: Education



Violence is visible anywhere, but in today's generation, it is more evident on the internet. Social media has a significant influence on how people perceive violence. Frequent exposure to violent events may act as a trigger for aggressive behavior. Researchers interviewed young adults to identify the causes and effects of exposure to graphic violence on social media in order to assess the determinants and reactions in witnessing violence while utilizing social media. The findings show that graphic violence on social media has a negative physical and psychological impact on young adults. Despite the use of social media applications, there is still a lack of security when it comes to hacking, content monitoring, and the revealing of private information. The media wields power in society and can influence people's opinions, lifestyles, and habits. From a safety standpoint, the study underlines the importance of taking social media platform's privacy settings and users' knowledge of these settings into account, which may keep them from viewing graphic violent content on social media and prevent detrimental influence on young adult users.


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