HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 7 no. 8 (2023)

Recast and Explicit Corrective Feedback Among Language Teachers and Learners

Charmaine Sabio

Discipline: Education



When learning a second language or foreign language, learners make various pronunciation, syntax, or word choice errors. If these errors are not corrected, they will mistake them for the correct form and internalize them into their inter-language system. Repairing erroneous utterance/s in second language acquisition is an eventual quest among second language teachers because they are intertwined with language learning. The study aimed to determine the preferred corrective feedback, the type of corrective feedback provision by language teachers and learners, and the significant relationship between the preferred type of corrective feedback and the corrective feedback provision by language teachers. The researcher used survey questionnaires to gather the necessary data and administered them to the language teachers and learners. This investigated the inevitable corrective feedback employed in actual classroom scenarios that are an inseparable part of language learning. A total of 318 language learners and eight language teachers participated in the data-gathering procedure. Findings revealed that language teachers preferred Recast and corrective feedback provisions under Recast. There was a great extent of feedback provision on correcting an error and reintroducing a particular item among language teachers. Language learners preferred the explicit correction type of corrective feedback and feedback provisions under this type wherein the teacher points out the errors and corrects these immediately. This revealed a great extent of feedback provision, among others. Finally, there is no significant relationship between the corrective feedback provided by the language teachers.


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