HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 6 (2023)

Development and Validation of Responsive, Empowered, and Reflective Intervention (RERI) Material for Science 9

Jovalyn Robles | Victoriano Regio

Discipline: Education



Numerous issues, notably the lack of instructional materials and teaching resources that are in line with the learning outcomes outlined by the Department of Education, have an impact on the state of scientific Education today. (DepEd). According to Allison Academy (2021), The poor quality of fundamental science and math Education, which is reflected in the scarcity of science education facilities, is indicated by the low achievement scores of Filipino pupils on numerous assessments. Additionally, there is a lack of teaching resources that are in line with the goal competencies. With the issue of scarcity of instructional materials that are aligned with the target competencies that are lacking, it is a challenge to develop appropriate intervention materials that may enhance student learning and may resolve this kind of dilemma using the ADDIE model. This study focused on developing and validating intervention materials in Science for Grade 9 students for the School Year 2022-2023 with the DepEd, seven (7) identified by the researcher's Least mastered competency. A descriptive developmental method research design was used in the study. It was conducted in Mulanay, Quezon and Macalelon, Quezon. The participants were Ten (10) experts from the Division of Quezon composed of (4) Science teachers, (3) English teachers, and (3) Graphic Design NCIII holders who were asked to evaluate and validate the intervention materials selected through purposive sampling techniques. The instrument used was a validated survey questionnaire. The conduct of a questionnaire through validation was used to gather data. (1) Explaining how the respiratory and circulatory systems operate together to move nutrients, gases, and other substances to and from the various regions of the body was found to be one of the least taught competencies, according to the study's findings. (2) Draw conclusions on how a person's lifestyle may impact how well their circulatory and respiratory systems work. (3) Describe where genes are located on chromosomes. (4) Describe the various non-Mendelian inheritance patterns. (5) Discuss the ways in which Rutherford's atomic model was enhanced by Bohr's atomic model. (6) Describe how the electrons' energy and locations are described by the quantum mechanical model of the atom. (7) Identify several compounds (covalent or ionic) based on their physical characteristics, such as melting point, hardness, polarity, and electrical and thermal conductivity. (8) Using models, demonstrate which constellations can be seen at various times of the year. (9) Draw the conclusion that heat transmission can be employed to perform work and that heat is released during work. (10) Describe the production, transmission, and distribution of electrical energy. In the development of the RERI materials, the study revealed that (a). The material used were bond papers, printers, binders, and staple wires with a total cost of Php. 8,720.00. (b) It took eight weeks for the development process to consume 4 hours on weekdays. (c) The people involved are the ten (10) validators. Under the validation of the RERI materials, the findings were most of the validators rated the Adequacy as valid with a grand mean of 4.50 and a descriptive equivalent of very much valid. Regarding the Coherence, most of the validators rated much valid with a mean of 4. 42 and a descriptive equivalent of very much valid. When it comes to Appropriateness, most of the validators rated much valid with a mean of 4. 28 and a descriptive equivalent of very much valid. Almost all of the validators rated the Usefulness of the developed intervention material as much valid, with a mean of 4. 68 and a descriptive equivalent of very much valid. The output of the study was Responsive, Empowered, and Reflective Intervention (RERI) materials that may improve the student's level of progress in learning. Based on the findings and conclusions, the researcher recommended the output to use; since the study developed an intervention material for Science G9 as a remedy for the least mastered competencies, administrators and curriculum planners may allow the use of the developed intervention materials in improving Science instructions.


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