HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 6 (2023)

Campus Ministry Praxis and Students’ Spiritual Sensitivity Of Liceo De Cagayan University

Darryl Louie Labial

Discipline: Education



The study objective was to evaluate the level of implementation of the Campus Ministry Praxis and the level of Students' Spiritual Sensitivity at Liceo de Cagayan University. It assessed the relationship between the Campus Ministry Praxis and the Students' Spiritual Sensitivity, and the study involved the students of Liceo de Cagayan University. These students comprise Grade 12 students and College students. The study employed a descriptive-casual research method. The data was gathered using an adopted and researcher-created questionnaire and analyzed using mean, standard deviation, correlation, and regression. The findings revealed that all the campus ministry praxes had generally been evaluated as moderately aware. The students' spiritual sensitivity was generally evaluated as firm certainty and conviction of agreeing. It was discovered that there was a significant relationship between students' spiritual sensitivity and pastoral praxis: counseling, pastoral care, and presence, spiritual praxis: prayer and reflection, liturgical praxis: the celebration of the sacraments, ritual expression, and sacred space, and lastly social praxis: outreach program, social media, and education. It also revealed that sacred space, ritual expression, and pastoral care best predicted students' spiritual sensitivity



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