HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 3 (2023)

The Lived Experiences of Kinder Parents and Kinder Teachers in Modular Distance Learning: A Phenomenological Study

Joanna Grace Agorilla

Discipline: Education



The researcher was motivated to conduct this study and determined the lived experiences of kinder parents and kinder teachers in modular distance learning in time of pandemic. The researcher used the social constructivist lens to explore and examine the lived experiences of kinder parents and teachers. Interviews were conducted with a group of kinder parents and kinder teachers who have first-hand knowledge of modular distance learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic enrolled in Sta. Cruz Elementary School. These were participated by 10 kinder teachers and 20 kinder parents selected through purposive sampling technique. Findings revealed that partnerships with kinder parents may be strengthened and be given preferential attention as parents are the key players in the learning process of their children at home. Kinder parents may be provided ample time to submit or return learners’ outputs as they have to attend to their work to earn a living and do other household chores. The school, through their kinder teachers, may continue “Kumustahan Online” as a means to communicate with kinder parents and learners in order to monitor progress and address any academic-related problems that may arise between parents and their children. Kinder parents should create, as much as possible, a conducive-to-learning home environment to ensure academic success among their children. Kinder teachers, on the other hand, may continue to simplify the contents of Self-Learning Modules without sacrificing the minimum competencies expected from the learners.


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