HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 3 (2023)

Self-Regulation and Self-Efficacy of Grade 12 Automotive Servicing Students

Diego Froilan Paril | Godfrey Dulla

Discipline: Education



The objective of the study of the study is to determine the self-regulation and self-efficacy of Grade 12 Automotive Servicing students at a public school in the province of Rizal, Philippines. Self-regulation refers to the capacity to plan for, monitor, adjust and reflect on goals. Self-efficacy is the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations. Descriptive correlational method was used to study the different variables and their relationships. There were 95 respondents selected through simple random sampling with 56 included in data analysis. The General Self-Efficacy Scale and the Short Self-regulation Questionnaire were used in the study. Results show that self-efficacy (Md=26, IQR=5) and self-regulation (Md=97, IQR=20) of Automotive Servicing students is moderate. Significant difference was found in self-regulation in terms of monthly family income (F(4,48)=2.875, p=.033, ?2=.192). Self-efficacy was found to correlate with self-regulation(r(51)=.518, p<.001, ρ=.518). Also self-efficacy significantly predicted self-regulation (B=.625, t(51)=4.328, p<.001, f 2=.368 ). Self-efficacy also explained a substantial proportion of variance in self-regulation (R2=.385, F(1,51)= 18.736, p<.001, ? 2=.269). Based on the results, there is a need to enhance the self-regulation as well as self-efficacy of the students through incorporation of strategies in the daily teaching activities.


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