HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 3 (2023)

Learning Space at Home: Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations, and Best Practices

Stewart Arroyo

Discipline: Education



This research study described the challenges, opportunities, innovations, and best practices of pupils, parents, and teachers in establishing learning spaces at home. The participants of the study were the seven pupils, seven parents, and seven teachers in the District of Cuartero, Schools Division of Capiz. The researcher used inclusion and exclusion criteria to identify the informants and used a phenomenological qualitative research design. Interview guide questions and a checklist were the instruments used by the researcher. The instruments were checked and validated by the advisory committee, examining committee, and language expert. All suggestions were adopted and incorporated by the researcher. Face-to-face interviews were conducted for data gathering. After this, the responses were transcribed, coded, analyzed, and thematized thru thematic analysis as a data procedure. The challenges encountered by the pupils, parents, and teachers were lack of time, lack of budget, no idea about what a home learning space is, lack of materials, and not enough time to make the learning space. Furthermore, these challenges were overcome by seeking advice from others, using only available materials, and buying materials needed, among others. Some of the opportunities identified are that the learning space motivates the learners to study. Further, it is a comfortable space for learning, regulates study habits, is a great motivator, and offers comfort to the child. It is conducive to learning, it allows parents and children to be creative, uses recycled materials, and allows parents and children to bond after studying, among others. Furthermore, among the innovations introduced by the parents and teachers include using local or indigenous materials, recycling materials, and adding educational technologies that the pupils could use for their study while giving them the comfort at home. Among the best practices identified were making the most of what the house's space provides, working together with the family to create the learning space, ensuring that it is cozy and safe, and making the most of the available resources.


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