HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 1 (2023)

Implementation of Gender and Development (GAD) Programs and Projects in the Division of Quezon

Michee Grace Valdez

Discipline: Education



The objective of this study was to assess the implementation of gender and development (GAD) Programs and Projects in the Division of Quezon. The study specifically aims to respond to the following questions: to what extent are GAD projects and programs implemented under the policy, people, enabling mechanisms and programs, projects and activities; challenges encountered on the implementation; the significant relationship between the extent of the implementation and the challenges met; action taken on the challenges met; the effectiveness of GAD programs and projects; and the proposed intervention program could be proposed based from the result of this study. Through a quantitative-descriptive research design, the study was conducted among sample 160 respondents from School heads, GAD Coordinators, and GAD Focal members in the Division of Quezon using a purposive sampling technique. In the collection of data, a self-devised questionnaire was used. Further, statistical tools employed include weighted arithmetic mean and Pearson moment correlation. Furthermore, the study revealed that the implementation of GAD programs and projects is applied with the most implementation at each entry point. It also revealed that schools had experienced a moderately severe challenge in the implementation. The findings also indicate a significant relationship between the implementation and the challenges encountered was present. The study further implied that respondents were highly employable with the action taken from the challenges met at every point. Hence, it indicated that implementing programs and projects was most effective in attaining a gender-responsive school environment.


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