HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 7 (2023)

Mental Health State of Selected High School Students of ARMM Regional Science High School Under Online, Modular, and Blended Classes

Neo Manuel Calopez | Alnoury Cauring

Discipline: Education



The lives of students are most stressed and strained by COVID-19, and they are engaged in the transformed role of online, modular, and blended learning. This study aimed to determine the mental health status of selected students of ARMM Regional Science High School under online, modular, and blended classes. The 90 selected students of ARMM Regional Science High School under online, modular, and blended classes were required to answer the General Health Questionnaire by Goldberg and Hitler (1979) to determine their mental health status in utilizing different distance learning classes in times of pandemic. It was recorded that students’ physical signs, insufficient activities, anxiety, and depression were the same as usual with an overall mean of 2.5, and 2.6, respectively both online and blended classes. This showed that students were mentally healthy amidst the COVID19 pandemic. But, students in modular class with an overall mean of 2.45 which denoted worse than usual indicated mentally distressed. Based on the findings, the study concluded that the students in online and blended classes were mentally healthy, while students in modular classes were mentally distressed that they have experienced anxiety and depression.


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