HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 9 (2023)

Level of Satisfaction of BSN Students on the School Services, Faculty and Facilities

Carmi Portajada-Ejercito

Discipline: Education



Student satisfaction is the primary concern of educational institutions since the students are their primary costumers. Increase in the number of enrollees ensures profit for the school. Through these gains, the school can grant improved and innovative school services and facilities to achieve maximal student learnings. This study is a non-experimental descriptive design. The 83 respondents, obtained via purposive sampling, are the incoming second-, third- and fourth-year students of SY 2023-2024. The researcher-made tool, containing four-point Likert scale checklist, underwent reliability and validity testing and was distributed online. The level of satisfaction per category was obtained via weighted mean, wherein the services offered by the Registrar’s Office obtained the highest satisfaction rating. The general level of satisfaction of BSN students to Arellano University is said to be at “much satisfied” classification. The respondents also noted that they are much satisfied as to faculty and instruction. Though Kendall’s Correlation, the relationship between year level and student satisfaction was found to be not significant.


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