HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 1 (2023)

The Principals’ Leadership Style and Its Impact on the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy and Job Satisfaction in Selected Secondary High Schools

Jimp Israel Cabuhat

Discipline: Education



The organizational structure of a company is crucial to its success. The investment and considerable human resource assistance make the institution's accomplishments successful and efficient. Also, the organization’s long-term success and ability to keep producing high-quality results depend on its leaders and employees. Employing the correlational method, the main problem of this study is to assess the impact of the principals’ leadership practices on the teachers’ sense of efficacy and job satisfaction. The researcher used cluster random sampling in Public Secondary Schools in Santa Maria, Bulacan with 386 respondents. The study's findings revealed that the transformational leadership and transactional leadership styles were average across all six schools. Thus, the teachers' perceptions of their efficacy were strong and both the intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction are high. Furthermore, multiple linear regression revealed that both the principal’s transformational and transactional leadership styles significantly affect the sense of efficacy and job satisfaction of the teachers. Hence, in accordance with the purpose of DM 192's "School Heads Development Program," the research advises that school leaders are urged to continue their leadership activities and potentially enhance their leadership styles by attending seminars and workshops. This would contribute to the empowerment of their teachers' well-being, hence enhancing their school performance and job satisfaction. Finally, implications and recommendations were discussed.


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