HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 3 (2023)

Factors Affecting the Study Habits of Third-Year Students During Pandemic

Ariel Miranda | Francis John Quintas | Lovely Pearl Causing | Mary Rose Lorenton | Renalyn Labrador | Mariel Rina Tancio | Joseph Mabalot | Jelerie Boneo

Discipline: Education



Study habits is a set of certain academic practices that the students apply to cope with the educational demand given on them by the school. Good study habits are the gateways to successfully attain the learning competencies required in every school year. This study aimed to determine the factors that affect the study habits of third year students of Notre Dame of Midsayap College in relation to the pandemic. To attain this aim, the researcher used a sample of thirty third year students from different courses in NDMC during the Academic Year 2021-2022. The researchers used the quantitative research approach specifically, the descriptive-comparative method, which utilized a modified standardized questionnaire as the primary data gathering technique. This study found out that time management, teachers’ factor, learning environment, attitude towards learning and social networking sites addictions consider as the factors that affect the study habits. As a result, analysis reveal that most of the students strongly agree that learning environment and teachers’ factor can affect their study habit, on other hand, Majority of students "agree" for the social networking cites and time management as also factor that can affect their study habit. This study also reveals that out there is no significant difference in the study habits of the respondents when grouped according to their demographic profile such as: age and sex. From the results, this study recommends that students must always be encouraged by the teachers and parents to make their college days productive. Moreover, the researchers also recommend parents improve the level of control and care of their children, and show more interest and concern in their academic activity, and for this study also recommends to the future researchers that it would be better if more respondents will be included in the study and mixed methods can be applied to achieve research triangulation.


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