HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 11 no. 4 (2023)

Graduates of the K-12 Curriculum Under TVL Strands in the Division of Masbate City

Chinky Mae Paladio | Morena Buayan

Discipline: Education



The curriculum outcome of the TVL track equips the graduates with job-ready skills that are essential as they join the workforce. This study was conducted to determine the jobs that the graduates landed to, its relevance to the TVL strands, the sufficiency of their remuneration and job fulfillment, and the future opportunities that the graduates from academic year 2017-2018 in the Division of Masbate City look forward to. Two (2) graduates per TVL strand, completing the twenty (20) respondents were purposively chosen. This study revealed that respondents are employed in different types of job. Majority of the respondents’ jobs are irrelevant to the TVL strands however, the said irrelevance do not directly affect the status of their job fulfillment. Most of the compensation that they receive are fairly sufficient. All of the respondents claimed that they desire to change their present employment with other sustainable livelihood opportunities.


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