HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 4 (2023)

Perceived Challenges Faced by Teachers in Printed Modular Distance Learning Modality and Teachers’ Performance in Times of Pandemic

Verna Cariaga

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to know the extent of perceived challenges and teaching performance. A mixed method was used for 30 senior high school teachers in Negros Oriental via complete enumeration. Data sets in both the quantitative and qualitative categories were analyzed. Most respondents were male, with bachelor’s degrees specializing in seven subject areas, with Teacher II in teaching positions. Senior high school teachers identified significant obstacles in module preparation, dissemination to students, monitoring students’ learning, retrieval of modules, and checking and providing feedback. Despite these obstacles, teachers modified their lesson delivery to be more effective. As a result, the IPRCF rated their teaching performance as highly satisfactory. Only the area of monitoring students’ learning had a significant outcome in terms of sex with the teachers’ perceived problems in the distant modular learning mode. Meanwhile, the most advanced educational qualifications, specialization, and teaching positions yielded insignificant results. Only sex significantly impacted teachers’ levels of teaching performance in terms of IPCRF rating, whereas the highest educational attainment, specialization, and teaching position produced non-significant results. The level of teachers’ perceived problems is related to teachers’ performance in terms of IPCRF rating, as outcomes revealed substantial results in the six domains of instructional delivery.


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