HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 4 (2023)

Effects of Using Mother Tongue in Teaching Science on the Academic Performance of Grade Three Pupils in Selected Public Elementary Schools in the Division of Antipolo City

Marsha Lee Balbuena

Discipline: Education



The study focused on the effects of using mother tongue in teaching Science on the academic performance for grade three pupils in selected public elementary schools in Antipolo City. There were 77 teachers and 358 pupils who were considered in the study. The findings were: The teacher respondents are dominated in frequency by the 36-40 and 41 years and above, they are mostly Bachelor’s degree holders, who have been in the service for 6-10 years, holders of teacher I and had attended the K to 12. The pupils on the other hand are comprised 8 years old, mostly males, and are third born, their families are receiving a monthly family income of P3,00-P5,000, their parents (fathers and mothers) are mostly high school graduate and for the number of children in the family, majority belong to three children. Teachers and pupils perceived that the use of Mother Tongue in the teaching of science is Moderately Effective. For the teachers, the effect is most observed in quarterly examination, class participation, comprehension, and task performance while for the pupils the effect is most felt in task performance and comprehension, quarterly examination, and class participation. In the light of the findings and conclusions formulated, the following recommendations were offered: The teachers may sustain the use of Mother Tongue and may apply other teaching strategies that would motivate the pupils to be inclined in Science theories and activities. The pupils may be provided with more simplified activities in Science that would make them realize its application to their daily activities. The individual needs on teaching Mother Tongue may be employed like separating pupils of different dialect instead of solely Tagalog. The administration may request for additional books and instructional materials in Science to enhance teaching and learning.


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