HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 4 (2023)

Revealing the Lived Experiences of Physical Education Instructors in the Use of Computer-Mediated Communication

Marcjun Ocampo

Discipline: Education



This phenomenological study explored the Physical Education instructors' lived experiences in using Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC). The survey participants are Physical Education Instructors exposed to CMC for at least two years and were selected through the purposive sampling technique. Data were gathered using semi- structured interview guides in the In- Depth Interview and Focus Group Discussion. Thematic analysis was used to extract the themes from the participants' responses. From the data collected, major themes and core ideas emerged. In the participants' lived experiences regarding the utilization of computer-mediated communication, three general themes emerged: technology use and internet connectivity issues, triumph, and resiliency in the teaching process, and perplexity on academic instruction. The participants coped by having the fulfillment of one's duties and responsibilities, emulation of flexibility in instructions, and exploration of alternatives. Insights gained from the participants include thriving through tough times, having valueoriented instructions and achieving personal and professional growth.


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