HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 5 (2023)

Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Grade 10 Learners in Mathematics: Basisfor Learning Enrichment Program

Geraldine Beltran | Angelo Villanueva

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine the association and effect of various factors on the academic performance of Grade 10 learners in Pitogo District, Division of Quezon, to develop a learning enrichment program. A survey questionnaire that the researcher had designed and a data collection form for the respondents' grades for the second quarter served as the primary tools for acquiring the necessary data. One hundred ninety-seven (197) respondents were selected systematically for the study. This study employed quantitative research utilizing a descriptive-evaluative correlational design. The gathered information was examined using an arithmetic mean and percentage to determine the associated factors and level of academic performance of grade 10 students, respectively. The significant relationship between the associated factors and academic performance was statistically analyzed using Spearman’s rank-order correlation. Findings revealed that all of the factors affecting the academic performance of the students were significantly associated with each other. However, only teaching approaches and communication skills have a significant effect on their academic performance. Based on the conclusions, it was recommended that schools use the proposed learning enrichment program that will improve grade 10 students’ academic performance. Likewise, future researchers may also investigate other variables that may affect students’ learning in mathematics or other learning areas.


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