HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 4 (2023)

Scaling the Academic Ladder: Enhancing In-service Training for Teachers Through Educational Attainment

Maria Carol Abenir | Eduard Abenir

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine the instructional competencies of teachers in their educational qualifications and their relationship to the implementation of INSET. This study employed the mixed method and ex-post facto research designs. The respondents were interviewed about four significant concepts; attendance, interests, topics, and relevance of INSET. The respondents were the 149 grade 6 teachers from the first congressional district of Capiz. Data were gathered using validated and reliability-tested researcher-made survey questionnaires. They were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tools such as frequency count, mean, t-test for independent samples, one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Pearson-r. The results revealed that the instructional competencies of teachers, regardless of categories and educational qualifications, all were" very Competent" Thus, the Scheffe Test revealed a "high significant difference" Regarding educational qualification and the implementation of INSET, teachers are always attending the implementation of INSET. But BS with MA has a greater interest in the implementation of INSET. Teachers with MA revealed topics and relevance of INSET was essential. Educational qualification helped educators to have great regard for the performance of INSET. A closed-in synergy among stakeholders of the school may be considered, and regular supervision by the school administrators to upgrade teachers on the current trends and issues in teaching and learning areas may also be emphasized. Thus, these personal attitudes and factors are essential in implementing INSET in the district. Key officials should consider an excellent policy on the effectiveness of every INSET. The main focus of the training is to improve the teaching and learning process.


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