HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 5 (2023)

Framing Grade 10 Students’ Speaking Difficulties

Marizan Tapel

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to identify the speaking difficulties of the Grade 10 students in Pasay City National High School and provide proper intervention. This study is a combination of descriptive-qualitative, and quantitative research (mixed methods) with 10 regular purposedly pick Grade 10 respondents with an age bracket of 15-18. In the first phase (quantitative) the researcher utilized survey questionnaires for respondents’ demographic profile and the adapted and modified 15-item English Speaking Attitude Questionnaire (ESAQ) was used to identify the respondents’ attitude toward speaking English. Results revealed that respondents have a negative attitude toward speaking a second language. Cronbach’s Alpha was used to test the reliability of ESAQ, with 0.86 good reliability. In the second phase (qualitative), an online interview, FGD, and oral/speaking test were administered. An adapted and modified speaking test patterned to TOEIC was used to identify the respondents’ linguistic and non-linguistic speaking difficulties which have also undergone a validity and reliability test. Kendall’s W was used to avoid bias and it garnered a rating of 0.89 which fell under good reliability. This study revealed that respondents have linguistic and non-linguistic problems. An intervention tool/program was created and suggested classroom activities and recommendations were enumerated to address such difficulties.


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