Development and Validation of Technology-Enhanced Module for Teaching Oral Communication in Context
Cristina Sereño-Atienza
Discipline: Education
Oral communication difficulties among students still pose challenges to language teachers. Hence,
this research and development research was conducted to develop a lesson exemplar and software for
teaching Oral Communication in Context to aid the students develop communicative competence. An
assessment of attitude towards the technology-enhanced module was conducted among the senior
high school students at School M. Also, they were asked to identify what topics in the subject they
were having most difficulty. Results of these surveys were used as basis for the content and activities
in the lesson exemplar. Following the Rapid Application Development in the software development,
the lesson exemplar was converted into an application as the technology-enhanced module. After its
development, it was subjected to evaluation and validation by English teachers and IT experts.
Results revealed that English teachers strongly agree in terms of content, screen design, feedback, and
performance efficiency. Meanwhile, results revealed that IT experts strongly agree in terms of
functional correctness, resource utilization, capacity, co-existence, appropriateness, recognizability,
learnability, operability, user interface aesthetics, availability, integrity, non-repudiation,
authenticity, analyzability, testability. Therefore, the technology- enhanced module is found to
significantly help students in gaining new learning experiences that will add to their repertoire of
communicative competencies.
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