HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 9 (2023)

Developing Comprehension Skills in English and Filipino Through Code Switching: An Experimental Study

Jienalyn Espiña | Dhan Timothy Ibojo

Discipline: Education



This study sought to find out the effectiveness of code switching in developing comprehension skills in English and Filipino. It aimed to help the Grade seven (7) to ten (10) students of Canidkid Integrated School read with comprehension. Using quasi- experimental method in gathering data for the research, the study found out that code switching was effective in enhancing the reading comprehension skills of the Grade 7 to 10 students. Moreover, with repeated reading and guidance, the students could achieve the desired reading achievement. The study concluded that students showed a remarkable achievement in reading when code switching was used. It was recommended that teachers should always monitor the students with low rate in reading. They should use varied ways in monitoring students' reading capability.


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