HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 9 (2023)

Struggles of College Returnees: A Case Study

Josephine Mendoza

Discipline: Education



This study is timely as it tackles a phenomenon which is a result from K-12 program policy disallowing those who have not finished college to re-entry when there are already graduates from Senior High School. College leavers became college returnees. However, there is already a gap in their learning considering that they were out from school for a long time. This study utilized a qualitative case study research design. There are five different cases being studied. The main purpose of this study is to divulge the struggles of college returnees in returning to college. It was found out in this study that self-motivation is one of the reasons of the college returnees in going back to college. It was also discovered in this study that the primary struggle of college returnee in coming back to college is adjustment. Furthermore, college returnees have coping mechanisms which have helped them survive their early years in the college. It is recommended in this research that the school should provide a refresher program for college returnees to lessen their struggles and dropping out will be avoided.


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