HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 9 (2023)

Modular Learning Modality of Department of Education: Learners’ Early Assessment of its Implementation

Chriszel Van Astillero | Honeylyn Mahinay

Discipline: Education



This study is conducted to determine the public senior high school learners’ assessment on implementing modular learning modality in terms of content and instruction, learning assessment, teacher-learner-parent/guardian collaboration, active and personalized learning, and inclusion. Descriptive-correlational design and stratified proportionate random sampling were utilized. Findings revealed that learners were very satisfied in the implementation of the modular distance learning modality in terms of learning assessment. Transferable skills were also found very challenging. There is no significant difference in the early assessment of the implementation of modular distance learning when grouped according to sex. There is a significant difference in the early assessment of learners in implementing modular distance learning in terms of learning assessment when grouped according to track. No significant difference was found in the early evaluation of the implementation of Modular Distance Learning in terms of content and instruction, teacher-learner-parent/guardian collaboration, active and personalized learning, and inclusion.


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