HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 9 (2023)

Climate Change Strategies’ Model in Teaching Science 7

Catheryn Miparanum | Chester Miparanum

Discipline: Education



This Climate Change Strategy utilizes Cooperative Learning Approach, ICT Integration and Problem Based Learning. Climate Change Strategy highlights the concept of melting of glaciers as students are least aware that this phenomenon is the result of climate change. This instructional model includes the six (6) steps such as; Discover, Explore/Statement of the Problem, Climate Talk, Application, Assessment and Practice. Climate Change Integration Strategies are effective set of strategies useful in teaching science 7. It facilitated to the increased level of performance of the students, the level of awareness as well as practices of the students. These strategies are an effective way in helping students learn on the concept of climate change especially on its corresponding effects such as melting of glaciers, increases the level of performance of the students in knowing the effect of climate change in the environment, there is also a high level of awareness and average level of practices in relation to climate change. In the light of the foregoing findings and conclusions the following recommendations are hereby offered: Integrating climate change may be an extension to other fields of study for the improvement of the quality of education; teachers must also use some of the localized video clips so that the learners can relate what is the topic all about, implementation of the different organization such as YES-O Club, Waste Management, Biodiversity etc., in letting the students be more aware on the importance of climate change.


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