HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 9 (2023)

Financial Management Practices of School Heads Related to the Implementation of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) in the Division of Quezon: Basis for Intervention Program

Rex Mirando | Leodegario Jalos

Discipline: Education



This research focused on determining the level of financial management practices in BE-LCP implementation in the Division of Quezon. Furthermore, it also sought to determine the challenges and the actions undertaken by the respondents. There were 251 respondents in this study which covered the participation of the school heads, School BAC Coordinators, and Property Custodians from the 3rd Congressional District of Quezon, which comprises 12 municipalities with 17 school districts. A descriptive-comparative research design was utilized in the study wherein researcher made and validated questionnaires were administered. This research used the frequency count, percentage, mean, and Kruskal-Wallis Test to analyze the data gathered. Findings revealed that majority of the respondents came from medium schools, which were dominantly non-central. Most of them were appointed as Teacher III and also perform function as School BAC Chairperson or School Property Custodian as well. The respondents showed very satisfactory financial management practices in budgeting, procurement, accounting, and asset management. They strictly follow DepEd memoranda and guidelines through on-time liquidation and open transparency. There is a significant difference in the respondents' level of financial management practices related to BE-LCP implementation when grouped according to school-related profiles and between respondents therefore the null hypothesis was rejected. The most compelling challenge was in addressing learning gaps, improving literacy and numeracy skills of the learners, and inadequacy of funds for SLMs, LASs reproduction, improvement of health-related facilities. E-FundAMENTALS, or Enhanced Fund Adjustment and Mobilization in Education: Networking Teachers, Administrators, Leaders, and Stakeholders, was developed as an intervention program and proposed for implementation.


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