HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 9 no. 9 (2023)

Climate Change Education Implementation in the Public Elementary Schools in Atimonan I and II District, Division of Quezon: Basis for Climate Change Education Model

Ramjay Uri | Victoriano Regio

Discipline: Education



This study defined the climate change education implementation in the public elementary school in Atimonan I and II District in the Division of Quezon. The study aims to answer the following: the present status of climate change education, the level of implementation in the climate change, awareness of the respondents; dissemination, need for facilities, equipment, instruction materials, etc.; Government support in the policies in schools; organizational culture/organization climate in response to climate change, the challenges encountered, the actions taken by the responsibilities to address the challenges, effective climate change. The study's quantitative approach. The researcher will use survey questionnaires to collect data for this study. Statistics were applied using the weighted mean and percentage distribution of data to address specific difficulties and use traditional statistical methods. Based on the findings to adapt because they are doing the most to incorporate national planning, strategies, and policies to address climate change. It advised that the proposed School Action Plan in DRRM, which is the research output, may be utilized by the public elementary schools in the Atimonan I and II District Division of Quezon to implement the DRRM program.


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