HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 6 (2023)

Pedagogical Approaches for Diverse Learners

Nick Agpasa | Narciso Rabara | Jeger P. Paragas

Discipline: Education



This study is concerned with the level of practice of using the different pedagogical approaches in teaching diverse learners in Laoac District, Pangasinan Schools Division II for SY 2021 – 2022.In particular, this research assessed the prevalence of constructivist, integrative, collaborative, reflective, and inquiry-based educational methods to educate students from many different walks of life. It examined (1) the respondents' ages, sexes, marital statuses, highest degrees, years of teaching experience, training experiences and seminars, and pedagogical strategies for working with students from various backgrounds. (2) the extent to which teachers in public elementary schools employ a variety of pedagogical strategies when working with their students, and (3) the extent to which there is a statistically significant difference between the teachers' reported use of pedagogical strategies for teaching students with varying levels of background knowledge. (4) the statistically significant associations between the profile characteristics and the teachers' reported levels of experience with various pedagogical techniques for teaching students with various learning styles. The researcher used statistical methods for data analysis and interpretation to address the concerns listed above. Average weighted means (AWM), frequency counts (f), and percentages (%), the challenges were determined using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson product-moment correlation. Conclude the difficulties; our study used statistical data analysis and interpretation techniques. Conclusions were drawn using average weighted means (AWM), frequency counts (f), percentages (%), analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Pearson product-moment correlation.This study's "Practiced" result uses several pedagogical strategies for educating learners from diverse backgrounds and has a GOWM of 4.48. Public elementary school teachers' responses revealed no significant disparities in using different pedagogical tactics while dealing with children from varied backgrounds. Consequently, the profile characteristics of the teacher responses do not affect the extent to which pedagogical strategies are used while instructing different learners. Age, the highest level of education, and the number of relevant training sessions attended by public elementary school teachers correlate strongly with their profile traits.Consequently, the profile traits of the instructor responders do not affect the extent to which pedagogical strategies are used while instructing various learners. Age, the highest level of education, and the number of relevant training sessions attended by public elementary school teachers correlate strongly with their profile traits.Based on the results of this research, teachers in public elementary schools should earn their Ph. D.s and continue their education by participating in seminars and workshops designed to improve their skills in working with students from various backgrounds.


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