HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 10 no. 5 (2023)

The RPMS-Based Performance of Public Elementary School Master Teachers in The Schools Division of Marinduque

Mary Glo Quizada

Discipline: Education



This study examined the performance of Public Elementary Master Teachers in the Schools Division of Marinduque, Philippines, and explored the factors that may influence their performance in the RPMS Key-Results Areas. A quantitative approach with a descriptive research methodology was employed, using survey questionnaires to collect data from the Master Teachers. The findings revealed that while Master Teachers demonstrated strong performance in key areas such as content knowledge, pedagogy, and creating a conducive learning environment, there were variations based on profile variables such as years of experience, educational attainment, trainings attended, ancillary services assigned, and subjects assigned as coordinators. Based on the findings, several recommendations were made to enhance the performance of Public Elementary School Master Teachers. These include encouraging continuous professional development with a focus on language proficiency and learner-centered practices, supporting further education for teachers, implementing effective retention strategies to retain experienced teachers, providing adequate support for ancillary services, considering workload and support factors for subject coordinators, fostering collaboration and reflection, and establishing a systematic monitoring and evaluation process. By implementing these recommendations, educational institutions can strengthen the performance of Master Teachers and ultimately improve student learning outcomes and the overall quality of education.


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