HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 11 no. 1 (2023)

A Correlational Analysis on Math Anxiety and Mathematical Performance of Grade 10 Students in Morong National High School

Andrea Leigh Angeles | Celine Jhoy Sanone | Alyssa Combo | Andrea Daphne Garcia | Allison Missy Alejandro | Mizalette Glenn Bambo | Sarah Mae Ybañez | Eula Marie Padlan | Vanessa Teodoro

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to determine the correlational analysis or whether math anxiety and mathematical performance of Grade 10 students in Morong National High School have a significant relationship with each other. It also focused on determining the level of math anxiety of Grade 10 students, describing their mathematical performance, and identifying the factors influencing their math anxiety. This study used a mixed method to answer the research questions as part of the descriptive, correlational design using a survey to determine the relationship between the two variables. The study was conducted in Morong National High School with 253 respondents out of 829 10th Grade students. The probability sampling was employed through simple random sampling on 10th Grade students regardless of their age, gender, section, or academic achievement in Mathematics. According to the statistical analysis of the results, the Pearson coefficient value suggests a weak negative correlation between math anxiety and mathematical performance, however, the magnitude of the correlation is quite small, indicating that there is only minimal relationship between the two variables. The result was produced from a Pearson coefficient of -0.058 and a p-value of 0.349 which exceeds a 0.05 level of significance, from a total of 253 respondents indicates that the observed correlation coefficient is not statistically significant at the chosen significant level of 0.05 (α=0.05).There is a weak negative correlation between math anxiety and mathematical performance of Grade 10 students in Morong National High School. Furthermore, the results of the scaling of math anxiety level resulted in quite a bit of anxiety with an overall weighted mean of 3.45 and an average of 83.66 on the respondent’s mathematical performance. Many factors are also identified that influence the students' math anxiety: the level of difficulty of math lessons, level of difficulty of math problems, oral recitation, low self-esteem, lack of knowledge in math, and surprise quizzes.


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