HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 11 no. 1 (2023)

Stress Level and Coping Mechanism in Relieving Academic Stress of Special Science Curriculum Students of Morong National High School

Adrielle Gliane | Jhoxienaeiah Weighn Salazar | Elora Ilocso | Lira Ebrada | Shakira Aaliyah Ignaco | Rhen Christopher Anievas | Joyce Ilocso | Vanessa Teodoro | Amber Feleen S San Jose

Discipline: Education



This study determined the academic stress level and coping mechanism of the special science curriculum students; the study also identify if there is a significant relationship between these two variables.This study used a Qualitative Design (Grounded Theory Design) using an expert-validated questionnaire. Additionally, descriptive, correlational design using surveys were also used to determine if there is a significant relationship between academic stress and coping mechanisms. This study was conducted at Morong National High School, and the Special Science Curriculum students at the said school acted as the respondents of the study. Total Enumeration Sampling Design was initiated to use in this study to facilitate accuracy in selecting the respondents.With an academic stress level of 1.68 it was confirmed that Special Science Curriculum students are experiencing moderate stress. Additionally with 27.37% of SSC students, “Religious coping” is found the most commonly used Coping Mechanism, and “Substance use” is the least used Coping mechanism having 0% of SSC students using it. Lastly, it has been identified that some coping mechanisms have a significant relationship with the level of academic stress while some are identified as not significant.The Special Science Curriculum Students are confirmed experiencing moderate stress in their schoolwork and activities. It has also been found that “Religious coping” is the most used coping mechanism and “Substance used” is the least used coping mechanism. Lastly, it’s been identified that some of the coping mechanisms have a significant relationship with the level of academic stress while some are identified as not significant.


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