HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 11 no. 10 (2023)

Development, Validation and Acceptance of a Module for Housekeeping Specialization in Technical Vocational Livelihood Track of the Senior High School Education

Arlene Saludo | Julieta Nabos

Discipline: Education



The objective of this research was to create a housekeeping module for teachers and students in senior high schools using the process Analysis, Design, Development and Evaluation or ADDIE instructional model design, but it was limited to Implementation. TVL teachers from varied strands and specializations, TVL supervisor and TESDA experts from tourism sector assessed its level of acceptance and validity. It was conducted in 19 senior high schools with TVL track in the Division of Marinduque. This study used an adapted and validated questionnaire to determine the level of validity in terms of content, organization, relevance, clarity and appropriateness of exercise, and the level of acceptability in terms of objectives, contents, organizations, graphics and relevance. The content and design of the module was evaluated and assessed by TVL teachers, TESDA experts and TVL supervisor. With the use of percentage and computation of mean as the statistical tools in computing the numerical data, as well as its standard deviation, the researcher found out that the module’s validity is “Very Much Valid”. On the other hand, when it comes to the acceptability, it was found out that the module is “Highly Acceptable”. Based on these findings, it was then concluded that the developed module in Housekeeping complies with the level of validity in terms of content, organization, relevance, clarity and appropriateness of exercise, and the level of acceptability in terms of objectives, contents, organizations, graphics and relevance with minimal comments and suggestions from the respondents. Moreover, modular instruction was perceived advantageous and helpful by students and teachers.


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