HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 1 (2023)

Challenges of Parents of Children with Special Needs in the New Normal

Renj BG Borro | Emma Ceballo

Discipline: Education



The study focused on the challenges, coping strategies and significant insights of parents of children with special needs during the pandemic. The study utilized a qualitative research method and phenomenological approach. Snowball sampling technique was used to reach out the six (6) female parents of children with special needs residing in General Santos City. Using thematic analysis, the result of the study shows that the parents of children with special needs experienced different challenges during the pandemic. The parents experienced increased in caregiving responsibilities towards their children, difficulty with limited to no virtual learning, social isolation and financial strain. Moreover, building a support network, creating a structured activities and routine for their children, as well as optimism and acceptance were the coping strategies used by the parents in facing their challenges during the pandemic. Also, the significant insights of the parents during the pandemic were realizing the importance of acceptance and flexibility and the need for community, as well as patience and understanding. Determining the challenges, coping strategies and insights of the parents of children with special needs will be beneficial for themselves and to other parents as well in order to develop effective parenting strategies towards their children.


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