HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 10 (2023)

Error Analysis on the Written English Reflections of the Sixth Grade Learners

Josephine Maghuyop

Discipline: Education



This research delved into a comprehensive investigation of prevalent English language errors exhibited by sixth grade learners within a specific educational institution. The primary objective was to identify and categorize the errors made by these learners, shedding light on both grammatical and mechanical dimensions. The study involved the meticulous examination of a corpus comprising 18 reflective compositions produced by 18 participants, all belonging to the sixth-grade cohort. The identified errors were subsequently classified into two distinct types: Grammatical Errors and Mechanical Errors. The Grammatical Errors category encompassed a spectrum of linguistic inaccuracies, including erroneous verb forms, article omissions, unnecessary insertions, improper word usage, incomplete sentences, and instances of multiple errors within a single composition. The Mechanical Errors category encompassed errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Further analysis led to the classification of these errors as either intralingual or interlingual interferences. This discernment contributes to a deeper understanding of the nature of errors and their underlying causes, thereby offering valuable insights for educators and language practitioners. This study's significance extends to various stakeholders within the educational domain. It serves as a practical resource for sixth-grade learners themselves, aiding them in recognizing and rectifying the identified language errors. Additionally, English teachers and educators stand to benefit from this research, as it equips them with an awareness of the specific challenges that learners encounter during the developmental phase of language acquisition. The study underscores the importance of targeted pedagogical approaches in addressing the identified challenges. Toward this end, the research culminates in the provision of pedagogical suggestions, interventions, and recommendations. These evidence-based strategies can effectively inform instructional practices aimed at enhancing language proficiency and writing skills among sixth-grade learners.


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