HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 9 (2023)

Behind the Glitters of Gold: Traversing the Lives of Young Drudgers in Mt. Diwata

Rhyan Mike Bacaro | Aileen Sinang

Discipline: Education



The study aimed to explore the struggles, coping mechanisms, and insights of the young miners working in small-scale mining areas. A qualitative through phenomenological approach was employed to describe how the young miners experienced the phenomenon. The use of in-depth interviews and focus group discussions enabled the researcher to unveil the sentiments of young miners. It was revealed in this study the young miners were engaged in mining activities because of the scarcity in basic needs. Participants express that they have undergone several struggles in their workplace, these include hazardous work environment, psychological struggles, and physical health problems. To endure those struggles, the participants expressed physiological readiness, practice safety precautions, divine providence and positive outlook, and motivational coping. The insights that were revealed are education as hope, valuing financial management, and necessitating government assistance. Accompanying the opportunities driven by involvement in mining activities are the struggles they have to endure. It is recommended in this study that there should be comprehensive programs to support the educational and economic needs of the young miners. They deserve a better environment where they can realize their potential.


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