HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 6 (2023)

Process Approach in Teaching Writing Among Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) Learners

Andrea Vernice Macalino

Discipline: Education



This study is descriptive-qualitative research, and it determined the effectiveness of process approach in teaching writing among Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) learners. Qualified and respectable educators and experts were asked to evaluate the learning guide developed by the researcher to further adhere to the qualifications needed in executing this to the learners. These validators used the DepEd prescribed tool for evaluating modules and learning guides. Selected group of Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) learners of Don Jose M. Ynares Sr. Memorial National High School (DJYMNHS) underwent learning writing through process approach using the researcher-made learning guide. Since distance learning was the modality at the time the study was conducted, the process happened in the online platform. The validators and the students’ output determined the effectiveness of the learning guide. This study focused on the use of process approach in teaching writing a narrative essay. The process approach is divided into five segments: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, up to publishing phase.In gathering data, observation, focus group discussion, survey questionnaire with descriptive scale and the scores of students’ written output were used. The results were shown based on the evaluation of experts, teachers, and students of Grade 11 HUMSS. The crafted learning guide was rated “Very Much Useful” by the experts. Therefore, the use of the learning guide in writing will be effective in enhancing HUMSS senior high school students’ writing skills under the process approach. This will help them create quality output ready for publishing.


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