Risk Potential for Work-Related Musculoskeletal Discomfort among Maintenance Personnel of a Catholic University in a Prime City in North Luzon, Philippines

Roxanne G. Santos | Lorna Salve Sable | Belinda A Ramos

Discipline: Medical Sciences



The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders has surged in the past decade, becoming a global contributor to disability and other health complications. This study aims to assess the exposure levels to physical risk factors and the associated risk of musculoskeletal disorders among maintenance employees at a Catholic University situated in a prominent city in North Luzon. Utilizing the Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment Questionnaire, this research collected pertinent data within a descriptive research framework from 23 voluntary participants. The findings revealed a predominantly male demographic, aged between 30 and 40, with an average job tenure of 11 to 20 years. Maintenance employees exhibited a high level of physical risk exposure primarily affecting their shoulders and neck, while moderate levels of exposure were observed in the wrists, back, and legs concerning posture and repetitive tasks. Overall, respondents displayed a medium level of exposure to physical risk factors associated with musculoskeletal disorders. To mitigate future musculoskeletal issues among maintenance staff, it is recommended to institute regular monitoring and annual medical check-ups. Additionally, expanding the assessment to a larger population would facilitate more generalized results. Comparative analyses across employee categories could provide insights into tailored programs aimed at reducing the incidence of these disorders across the organization.


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