HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 1 (2023)

Unveiling the Essence of ‘Next Normal’ School Leadership: A Photovoice Exploration

Vince Jayson Villorijo | Henry E. Lemana II | Theresa Zabala | Emee Ruego | Grace Cornelio | Marites Verdadero

Discipline: Education



In the wake of unprecedented educational challenges and shifting paradigms, the search for qualities essential in the 'next normal' school leader becomes increasingly imperative. This study employs a pioneering photovoice approach to delve into teachers' perspectives on the fundamental attributes desired in an effective educational leader. Thematic analysis of participant- generated images and narratives reveals four salient themes: the art of fluidity, the mastery of technology's dance, the symphony of wellness and vitality, and the quest for a spiritual compass. These themes collectively portray an intricate mosaic of leadership qualities necessary to navigate the contemporary educational landscape. This photovoice study offers fresh insights into the desired qualities of 'next normal' leaders and establishes a bridge between contemporary educational trends and established leadership theories. The findings illuminate a path for educational institutions, policymakers, and leadership development programs to cultivate leaders embodying these multifaceted qualities, facilitating effective leadership in an ever- evolving educational landscape.


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