HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 13 no. 10 (2023)

COVID 19 Transformation of the DepEd Educational Landscape: A Meta-Synthesis Study

Abegail Barredo | Elreen Delavin

Discipline: Education



As COVID 19 pandemic has spread worldwide, the Department of Education (DepEd) has been caught off guard causing a great damage to the educational landscape and putting anxiety to DepEd internal and external stakeholders so, continuous innovations of educators were adapted to the new normal form of education. A meta-synthesis study was conducted among 29 published studies from March 2020 to February 2022 generated from online sources through a meta-synthesis method to show how CoViD 19 transformed the DepEd educational landscape in the aspects of access, quality, and governance; the programs, projects, and activities adapted by schools contributory to the changes in the DepEd educational landscape; and the transformation, transition, and expansion of DepEd educational landscape to the new normal of education. It was found that the lived experiences, perceptions, practices, challenges, strategies, performance, and governance of both internal and external stakeholders proved that the DepEd educational landscape showed transformation, transition, and expansion in the new normal; imposed vast changes as they fit in to the educational demand brought by the crisis; learners were influenced to perform in their academic studies; and, the practices of school leaders in terms of instructional supervisory, efficiency in the utilization of funds, emergence of situational leadership, and challenges in governance which are significant areas were greatly affected by CoViD 19 leading to the transformation of the educational landscape.


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