HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 7 (2023)

School Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery: Teachers in Focus

Elmer Fuentes

Discipline: Education



Considering the importance of the safety of learners and school personnel, this study aimed to examine the schools’ disaster preparedness, response and recovery as experienced by the publicschool teachers in Kidapawan City Division. In order to attain the objectives of the study, qualitative approach through the phenomenological technique was used. The participants in this study were chosen using Purposive Sampling, with nine teachers participating in In-depth Interviews (IDI) and seven participating in Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Validated interview guide was utilized in gathering the data. The results generated three different themes in every research questions. As to teacher’s experiences in their roles as vanguard of disaster preparedness, response and recovery, the themes emerged: accepted great responsibility, challenged yet eager to learn and serve, and dignified of the responsibility to help. Meanwhile, supportive administration, offers trainings and workshops, and implements strategic information dissemination are the themes on how the teachers perceive the measures taken by their school. Teachers view on their role before and after disaster strikes: strengthened skills and capabilities, more active participation, and opened new knowledge and opportunities as a team. Moreover, the themes on teachers’ suggestions to improve and evaluate the SDRRM in their schools: sustainable programs and trainings, building a team, and knowledge and preparedness are vital.


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