HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 7 (2023)

Students’ Level of Satisfaction on Student Services in a Private Tertiary Educational Institution

Maica Bironia | Jairus Evan Ecat

Discipline: Education



In the most current period, student services are frequently credited to American higher education, but student services transformed into a vital part of every university across the world. According to previous research on student services, service quality has a significant impact on how satisfied students are. These findings suggest that the school's services help to build its reputation, which in turn affects how satisfied its students are. In this study, descriptive-quantitative research design was utilized to determine the level of satisfaction to the student services and observe if the significant differences occur based on their college courses and senior high school strand. The findings indicate that the level of satisfaction of the respondents for both college courses and senior high school strands to the student services are very satisfied whereas the minority of respondents are satisfied. Furthermore, the study revealed that there is no significant difference between the college students and the senior high school students in terms of their levels of satisfaction with the student services. However, there is a significant difference between the college students and the senior high school students in terms of their levels of satisfaction with the safety and security services.


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