HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 12 no. 7 (2023)

A Teacher’s Ideal Instructional Supervisor

Josephine Maghuyop

Discipline: Education



The purpose of this research paper is to explore the perceptions of teachers regarding their ideal instructional supervisors. Data were collected from a qualitative study of ten teachers from the different schools in the Division of Pagadian City. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using a thematic analysis. The results of the study indicated that teachers perceived their ideal instructional supervisors as somebody who can manage, develop and implement instructional activities and programs, set and maintain clear goals, understand, be sensitive and aware, communicate clearly, appropriately, communicate in a timely manner, and communicate to listen. The results of this study suggest that instructional supervisors should have a strong intellectual presence, a highly sensitive presence and a rich communicative presence.


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