HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 6 (2023)

The Relationship Between Academic Burnout and Resilience to Academic Achievement Among College Students: A Mixed Methods Study

Jeremich Serafica | Noralyn Muria

Discipline: Education



The COVID-19 pandemic made students susceptible to the adverse impact of academic burnout. Although scholars have recognized resilience as a safeguard against burnout, the need for comprehensive research on it remains due to limited samples of previous studies. Hence, this study aimed to uncover and explain the relationship between academic burnout, resilience, and academic achievement using a mixed methods approach. The research used 309 randomly selected students who answered standardized questionnaires such as the Academic Resilience Scale-30 and Copenhagen Burnout Inventory, while their academic achievement was based on their grade point average. Interviews among nineteen participants were also conducted to extract rich qualitative data. Inferential analyses revealed a direct relationship between achievement and instructor-related burnout, while an indirect link was found between resilience and achievement, likewise between resilience and burnout. The thematic analysis discovered the influence of a growth mindset which is being used for self-development among students. The study recommends that students employ sound time management skills and teachers to balance the frequency and difficulty of assignments. Future researchers are recommended to include a broader range of academic programs and to include other members of the school administration like teaching and non-teaching personnel.


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