HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 5 (2023)

Filipino Parents Used Swear Words in Household Affecting Family Relations

Sheryl Agol | Kyla Charisse Delos Reyes | Trixia Mae Devero | Cameran Rosales | Janela May Rublico | Joseph Cando

Discipline: Education



Cursing is a language activity that involves the use of forbidden words to express strong feelings. Cursing at your child may show them that swearing is appropriate to express anger, annoyance, or stress. At the same time, extremes can be harmful to children's mental health and cognitive functioning. In this present study, the researchers investigate the utterance of swear words by Filipino parents in their household affecting the relationships of Filipino families in Manila. Simple random sampling was used for this study which each individual in a population has an equal chance of being selected. The researchers used Likert scale self-made survey questionnaire to 200 respondents ages 16-22 resides in Manila. According to the data collected from the respondents, the level of utterance of swearing word by parents resulted average level (total mean score of 2.35) while the family relationship resulted a high level (total mean score of 3.37) which the correlation analyses revealed that the correlation is low (.346 r-value) yet the significance is highly shown (.001 p-value). The researchers conclude that the level of uttering of swearing by parents in a household has an effect on family relationships. Further research is needed in this study for complete understanding about swearing words affecting the relationships and how swearing words being utter by other people.


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