HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 14 no. 10 (2023)

Teachers’ Work-Life Balance, Workplace Spirituality and Work Performance: Basis for Management Plan

Shiela Patriarca

Discipline: Education



Achieving a work-life balance and having a workplace spirituality is a necessity for every teacher to thrive in the world of teaching. This study assessed the work-life balance, workplace spirituality and work performance of teachers in Alegria District, Cebu, for the school year 2022-2023 as basis for management plan. The theories used in this study anchored on Work/Family Border Theory and Respectful Pluralism which provide a substantive discussion pertaining to the background of the study. A triangulation mixed method research design was utilized in this study with descriptive correlation for quantitative and thematic analysis for qualitative data. A valid instrument was distributed to 153 respondents in the district of Alegria Cebu. The quantitative results revealed that among the Teachers’ Work Life Balance, Workplace Spirituality and Work Performance, self-management and development (0.03) and managing stress (0.00) established significant relationship while the rest did not. For the Teachers’ Work Life Balance and Workplace Spirituality, meaningful work under workplace spirituality and managing stress (0.00), family involvement (0.00), job gratification (0.00), managing fun and leisure (0.00), work management (0.00), and time management (0.00) established a significant relationship under work life balance. Only the self-management and development that resulted to no significant relationship. This is also similar to sense of community under the workplace spirituality. The third construct under work place spirituality which is the alignment of value generated a significant relationship to all constructs under work life balance. This means that these two independent variables generated mostly a significant relationship. The qualitative results generated three themes (Theme 1: The Highlights of Teaching, Theme 2: The Weighing Scale, and Theme 3: The Support System) which captured the experiences of the teachers in work-life balance and workplace spirituality. This study concluded that administrators should pay attention as to how teachers are managing their stress as this impact a domino effect to the school’s productivity. This study recommends a management plan wherein teachers are given an established support system.


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