HomeISTRADOR: Research Journal on Education, Technology and Innovationvol. 1 no. 1 (2023)

MTPCK Development and Formation of Pre-Service Mathematics Teacher before Undergoing Lesson Study Practice

Deo James Roxas

Discipline: education and teaching



Evaluating oneself enhances our characteristics and personality, the same as our teaching capabilities since we are the ones who know much of our strengths and weaknesses. Relating this concept to the professional development of Pre-Service Teachers (PST). PST should be evaluated by professional teachers or resource teachers and by themselves this leads to identifying the Mathematical Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (MTPCK) development and formulation of Pre-Service Mathematics Teachers (PSMTs) before undergoing Lesson Study Practice as perceived by them, as the purpose of this study. To achieve this qualitative research was conducted. As for the result of this study, PSMTs learn through direct learning, available sources and in their ways. Moreover, PSMTs are ready in terms of technological and pedagogical aspects of teaching the students, but the data shows that these PSMTs have few formulations of teaching in terms of content aspect.


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