HomeISTRADOR: Research Journal on Education, Technology and Innovationvol. 1 no. 1 (2023)

Interactive E-Learning Materials in Physics for an Enhanced Performance of Grade 10 Students

Daniel Villanueva | Ernesto Concepcion

Discipline: education and teaching



This study attempted to develop and evaluate e-learning materials in Grade 10 Physics and determine their effect on the performance of the students of Sta. Elena High School for S.Y. 2022-2023. The method used in this research was the descriptive method. The researcher adopted this method of research because the gathered data was suited best to analyzing the parts of the developed interactive e-learning materials in Physics. The data that were used and examined in this research were gathered from twenty grade 10 science teachers, thirty science teachers, thirty expert teachers, and thirty grade 10 students. The study showed that the interactive e-learning material can be developed based on the perception of the Grade 10 science teachers and the adoption of the 5Es of Learning and ADDIE model, the developed e-learning materials have met the qualities set by the Department of Education in developing and evaluating non-print learning materials, and the e-learning materials served its purpose and effective in enhancing students’ physics performance.


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