HomeRecoletos Multidisciplinary Research Journalvol. 11 no. 2 (2023)

Bullying, Eating Disorders and Coping Strategies among Adolescents in Malaysia

Naveena A P Arokiasamy Rajkumar | Latha Ravindran | Pei Boon Ooi | Qi Rui Goh | Kay Hooi Keoy | Meng Chuan Ho | Jessica Avenido

Discipline: Psychology and Health



Understanding how bullying leads to eating disorders can help develop effective intervention strategies. This phenomenological study examines the relationship between bullying and coping strategies Malaysian adolescents diagnosed with eating disorders use. Using the snowball sampling technique, 12 Kuala Lumpur participants, six females and six males aged 10 to 19, responded to interview questions based on the literature reviews, theories, and a published questionnaire. By using thematic analysis, the researcher found out that all 12 participants with EDs were bullied about their weight or size. Most of the bullying and teasing were verbal or via online platforms. The findings suggest that bullying can be a significant cause of the development of eating disorders among adolescents in Malaysia. Proper coping strategies can be essential in overcoming the trauma of being bullied and treating eating disorders.


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